Die Arbeitsgruppe Zentrale Kontrolle der Atmung untersucht die Physiologie und Pathophysiologie des respiratorischen Netzwerkes, mit experimentellen Schwerpunkten in den Bereichen synaptische Inhibition und Neuron-Glia Interaktion.
Dabei werden zum einen Fragen zur Rolle von Astrozyten für die synaptische Übertragung und Netzwerkplastizität (Hypoxie und Neuroinflammation) untersucht.
Ein zweiter Forschungsbereich umfasst die Funktion von hemmenden Neuronen in respiratorischen Netzwerk und im Besonderen die Entwicklung GABA/Glyzin co-transmittierender Neurone in Hirnstamm und Rückenmark.
Modernste elektrophysiologische und optische Techniken (inklusive 2-Photonen-Mikroskopie) und neuartige, transgene Mausmodelle finden breite Anwendung.
Das Methodenspektrum der Arbeitsgruppe wird durch Immunhistochemie, Molekularbiologie sowie opto-genetische Verfahren ergänzt.

- Telefon: +49 399592
- Telefon: +49 3967 415
- E-Mail-Adresse: shuelsm2(at)uni-goettingen.de
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter:
- Behnam Vafadari DVM, PhD
- Dr. rer. nat. Ali Harb
- Dr. rer. nat. Charlotte Tacke
- Anne Bischoff (TA)
- Anja-Annett Grützner (TA)
- Elisabeth Blattmann
- Patrick Roob
- Liya Hagos (B.Sc)

- Prof. D. Y. Oku, Nishinomiya, Japan
- Prof. Dr. J. Hirrlinger, Leipzig, Germany
- PD. Dr. V. Eulenburg, Leipzig, Germany
- PD Dr. C. Dullin, Göttingen, Germany
- Prof. Dr. H. Wolosker, Haifa, Israel
Publikationen der letzten 9 Jahre
- Oke, Y., Miwakeichi, F., Oku, Y., Hirrlinger, J. & Hülsmann, S. (2023) Cell types and synchronous-activity patterns of inspiratory neurons in the preBotzinger complex of mouse medullary slices during early postnatal development. Sci Rep, 13, 586. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-27893-w
- Tacke, C., Bischoff, A.M., Harb, A., Vafadari, B. & Hülsmann, S. (2023) Angiotensin II increases respiratory rhythmic activity in the preBötzinger complex without inducing astroglial calcium signaling. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 17. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fncel.2023.1111263/full
- Vafadari, B., Tacke, C., Harb, A., Grützner, A.A. & Hülsmann, S. (2023) Increase of breathing rate mediated by unilateral optogenetic inactivation of inhibitory neurons in the preBotzinger Complex in vivo. Respir Physiol Neurobiol, 104032. https://publications.goettingen-research-online.de/handle/2/121366
Synergistic Control of Transmitter Turnover at Glycinergic Synapses by GlyT1, GlyT2, and ASC-1.
Eulenburg V, Hülsmann S.Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Feb 25;23(5):2561. doi: 10.3390/ijms23052561.PMID: 35269698 Free PMC article. Review.
Non-Invasive Optical Motion Tracking Allows Monitoring of Respiratory Dynamics in Dystrophin-Deficient Mice.
Svetlove A, Albers J, Hülsmann S, Markus MA, Zschüntzsch J, Alves F, Dullin C.Cells. 2022 Mar 7;11(5):918. doi: 10.3390/cells11050918.PMID: 35269540 Free PMC article.
The post-inspiratory complex (PiCo), what is the evidence?
Hülsmann S.
J Physiol. 2021 Jan;599(1):357-359. doi: 10.1113/JP280492. Epub 2020 Dec 1.
PMID: 33258194 No abstract available
A Potential Role of the Renin-Angiotensin-System for Disturbances of Respiratory Chemosensitivity in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
Hülsmann S, Khabbazzadeh S, Meissner K, Quintel M.
Front Physiol. 2021 Jan 20;11:588248. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.588248. eCollection 2020.
PMID: 33551831 Free PMC article
Evaluation of a mechanical lung model to test small animal whole body plethysmography.
Hülsmann S, Khan A, Hagos L, Hindermann M, Nägel T, Dullin C.Sci Rep. 2021 Aug 24;11(1):17099. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-96355-y.PMID: 34429449 Free PMC article.
Inspiratory Off-Switch Mediated by Optogenetic Activation of Inhibitory Neurons in the preBötzinger Complex In Vivo.
Hülsmann S, Hagos L, Eulenburg V, Hirrlinger J.Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Feb 18;22(4):2019. doi: 10.3390/ijms22042019.PMID: 33670653 Free PMC article.
Simple low dose radiography allows precise lung volume assessment in mice.
Khan A, Markus A, Rittmann T, Albers J, Alves F, Hülsmann S, Dullin C.Sci Rep. 2021 Feb 18;11(1):4163. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-83319-5.PMID: 33602964 Free PMC article.
CMTM6 expressed on the adaxonal Schwann cell surface restricts axonal diameters in peripheral nerves
Eichel MA, Gargareta VI, D'Este E, Fledrich R, Kungl T, Buscham TJ, Lüders KA, Miracle C, Jung RB, Distler U, Kusch K, Möbius W, Hülsmann S, Tenzer S, Nave KA, Werner HB.
Nat Commun. 2020 Sep 9;11(1):4514. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18172-7.
PMID: 32908139 Free PMC article
GABA-glycine cotransmitting neurons in the ventrolateral medulla: development and functional relevance for breathing
Johannes Hirrlinger, Grit Marx, Stefanie Besser, Marit Sicker, Susanne Köhler, Petra G. Hirrlinger, Sonja M. Wojcik, Volker Eulenburg, Ulrike Winkler, Swen Hülsmann (2019)
Front. Cell. Neurosci. | doi: 10.3389/fncel.2019.00517
Hülsmann S, Oke Y, Mesuret G, Latal AT, Fortuna MG, Niebert M, Hirrlinger J, Fischer J, Hammerschmidt K. (2019) The postnatal development of ultrasonic vocalization-associated breathing is altered in glycine transporter 2-deficient mice. J Physiol Jan;597(1):173-191.
Fortuna MG, Kügler S, Hülsmann S. (2018) Probing the function of glycinergic neurons in the mouse respiratory network using optogenetics. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. pii: S1569-9048(18)30074-0. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2018.10.008. [Epub ahead of print]
Oke Y, Miwakeichi F, Oku Y, Hirrlinger J, Hülsmann S. (2018) Cell Type-Dependent Activation Sequence During Rhythmic Bursting in the PreBötzinger Complex in Respiratory Rhythmic Slices From Mice. Front Physiol. 9:1219. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.01219. eCollection 2018. Corrigendum in: Front Physiol. 2018 Nov 09;9:1586.
Mesuret G, Khabbazzadeh S, Bischoff AM, Safory H, Wolosker H, Hülsmann S. (2018) A neuronal role of the Alanine-Serine-Cysteine-1 transporter (SLC7A10, Asc-1) for glycine inhibitory transmission and respiratory pattern. Sci Rep. 2018 Jun 4;8(1):8536. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-26868-6.
Vogelgesang S, Niebert M, Bischoff AM, Hülsmann S*, Manzke T* (2018) Persistent Expression of Serotonin Receptor 5b Alters Breathing Behavior in Male MeCP2 Knockout Mice. Front Mol Neurosci. 2018 Feb 20;11:28. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2018.00028 [IF(JCR2016) 5.076]
Mesuret G, Dannenberg J, Arnoldt M, Grützner AA, Niebert M, Hülsmann S. (2018) Breathing disturbances in a model of Rett syndrome: A potential involvement of the glycine receptor α3 subunit? Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2018 248:43-47. [IF(JCR2016) 1.660]
Han K, Müller UC, Hülsmann S. (2017) Amyloid-precursor Like Proteins APLP1 and APLP2 Are Dispensable for Normal Development of the Neonatal Respiratory Network. Front Mol Neurosci. 2017 Jun 22;10:189. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2017.00189 [IF(JCR2016) 5.076]
Vogelgesang S, Niebert S, Renner U, Möbius U, Hülsmann S, Manzke T, Niebert N (2017) Analysis of the serotonergic system in a mouse model of Rett syndrome reveals unusual upregulation of serotonin receptor 5b. Front Mol Neurosci. 2017 Mar 8;10:61. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2017.00061. [IF(JCR2016) 5.076]
Oku Y, Hülsmann S (2017) A computational model of the respiratory network challenged and optimized by data from optogenetic manipulation of glycinergic neurons. Neuroscience. Accepted [IF(JCR2015) 3.231]
Winchenbach J, Düking T, Berghoff SA, Stumpf SK, Hülsmann S, Nave KA, Saher G1 (2016) inducible targeting of CNS astrocytes in Aldh1l1-CreERT2 BAC transgenic mice [version 1; referees: 2 approved]. F1000Research 5:2934 (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.10509.1)
Janc OA, Hüser MA, Dietrich K, Kempkes B, Menzfeld C, Hülsmann S, Müller M. (2016) Systemic Radical Scavenger Treatment of a Mouse Model of Rett Syndrome: Merits and Limitations of the Vitamin E Derivative Trolox. Front Cell Neurosci. 2016 Nov 15;10:266. [IF(JCR2015) 4.609]
Dullin C, Markus MA, Larsson E, Tromba G, Hülsmann S, Alves F. (2016) X-Ray based Lung Function measurement-a sensitive technique to quantify lung function in allergic airway inflammation mouse models.Sci Rep. 6:36297. doi: 10.1038/srep36297. [IF(JCR2015) 5.228]
Hülsmann S, Mesuret G, Dannenberg J, Arnoldt M, Niebert M (2016) GlyT2-dependent preservation of MECP2-expression in inhibitory neurons improves early respiratory symptoms but does not rescue survival in a mouse model of Rett syndrome Front. Physiol. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2016.00385 [IF(JCR2015) 4.031]
Hagos, L., Hülsmann S. (2016) Unspecific labelling of oligodendrocytes by sulforhodamine 101 depends on astrocytic uptake via the thyroid hormone transporter OATP1C1 (SLCO1C1)." Neurosci. Lett. 631:13-18, doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2016.08.010 [IF(JCR2015) 2.107]
Kono Y, Hülsmann S. (2016) Presynaptic facilitation of glycinergic mIPSC is reduced in mice lacking α3 glycine receptor subunits. Neuroscience 320, 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.01.063. [IF(JCR2015) 3.231]
Schnell C, Negm M, Driehaus J, Scheller A, Hülsmann S. (2016) Norepinephrine-induced calcium signaling in astrocytes in the respiratory network of the ventrolateral medulla. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 226, 18-23, doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2015.10.008. [IF(JCR2015) 1.773]
Yoshitaka O, Fresemann J, Miwakeichi F, Hülsmann S (2016) Respiratory calcium fluctuations in low-frequency oscillating astrocytes in the pre-Bötzinger complex. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 226, 11-17, doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2015.02.002. [IF(JCR2015) 1.773]
Rahman J, Besser S, Schnell C, Eulenburg V, Hirrlinger J, Wojcik SM, Hülsmann S (2015) Genetic ablation of VIAAT in glycinergic neurons causes a severe respiratory phenotype and perinatal death. Brain Struct. Funct. 220, 2835-2849 [IF(JCR2015) 5.811]
Besser S, Sicker M, Marx G, Winkler U, Eulenburg V, Hülsmann S, Hirrlinger J (2015) A Transgenic Mouse Line Expressing the Red Fluorescent Protein tdTomato in GABAergic Neurons PLoS One. 10(6):e0129934 [IF(JCR2015) 3.057]
Safory H, Neame S, Shulman Y, Zubedat S, Radzishevsky I, Rosenberg D, Sason H, Engelender S, Avital A, Hülsmann S, Schiller J. and Wolosker H. (2015) The alanine-serine-cysteine-1 (Asc-1) transporter is a regulator of glycine metabolism and glycinergic inhibitory transmission: Potential relevance to hyperekplexia. EMBO Rep. 16, 590-598 [IF(JCR2015) 7,739]
Schnell C, Shahmoradi A, Wichert SP, Mayerl S, Hagos Y, Heuer H, Rossner MJ#, Hülsmann S# (2015) The multispecific thyroid hormone transporter OATP1C1 mediates cell-specific Sulforhodamine 101-labeling of hippocampal astrocytes. Brain Struct Funct. 220, 193-203 [IF(JCR2014) 5.811]
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